Sivan Biham

Sivan Biham

Computer Vision and Machine Learning Algorithm Developer at

Sivan Biham is a Computer Vision Researcher and Algorithm Developer in, where she works on healthcare-related products, taking them all the way from the algorithm design stage to a fully implemented product with thousands of users across the world.
Sivan holds an M.Sc. in computer science from Weizmann Institute with a specialization in Computer Vision and Deep Learning, and a B.Sc. in both Computer Science and Neuroscience from Bar Ilan University.
She is enthusiastic about using her algorithmic skills and knowledge to improve people's health and life. In her spare time, she loves to run and practice yoga.

Agenda Talks

Data, AI & ML Con

15:25 to 16:10
10 Nov 2022

Quality Over Quantity - Active Learning Behind the Scenes

We all face the never-ending race to collect more labeled data for training our models. However, it’s not all about data volume - but also its quality.

  • Sivan Biham Avatar Sivan Biham Computer Vision and Machine Learning Algorithm Developer at